Recurrent Implantation Failure (RIF), Recurrent Miscarriage (RM)

In the majority of cases when a fertility treatment cycle fails or when someone suffers a miscarriage the cause is embryo-related. However, should couples fail to achieve success repeatedly with good quality embryos (recurrent implantation failure - RIF) or suffer from recurrent miscarriage (RM) further investigation should be considered to minimize the physical and emotional burden and ensure there are no potentially treatable causes. Our comprehensive screening options will be individualised according to your clinical history:
Maternal tests (to be confirmed by your clinician)
Thrombophilia testing
Reproductive immunology 
Hormone screening 
Anatomical screening 
Paternal tests
Sperm DNA
Evidence has suggested that raised levels of sperm DNA damage may be associated with failed IVF (with ICSI/IMSI improving outcome) and miscarriage.
Genetic/embryology tests
A simple blood test can exclude that either partner has a chromosomal variation that may explain either RIF or RM.
Embryo selection techniques
Preimplantation Genetics Screening (by CGH microarray) to genetically screen embryos. CGH microarray analysis may give vital information as to the potential causes of cycle failure and minimise the risk of further miscarriage.